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As of July 2018, the City of Pflugerville has 65,978 residents, and with another 20,000 in the extra-territorial jurisdiction, there are about 80,000 people in the Pflugerville area. Clearly, they know what we know - Pflugerville is a great place to live because you can Pfind It Here.®

The US Census and American Community Survey show, as of 2016, there’s a diverse and educated workforce established in Pflugerville. The population while younger, with the average age only being 37 years old, is highly educated; 92.5% have a high school education, 36.6% hold a Bachelor’s Degree and 11.8% have a Master’s Degree or above. The median household income for the city nears $77,899, and boasts a median home value of $217,000. With 26% of households bilingual, Pflugerville is a diverse community with an African American population of 17.5%, Asian population of 8.6% and 27.9% of Caucasians are Hispanic or Latino.

A study commissioned by the Pflugerville Community Development Corporation noted an interesting fact - a high number of patents issued within Pflugerville. In total, 134 patents were registered in 2015, more than double than the neighboring benchmark cities cited in the study.

With community growth, affordability, numerous recreational opportunities, and festivals - Pflugerville has it all.

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